About Us

The ASDP Alumni Chapter was the first non-geographic, special interest alumni chapter and remains the largest chapter in the EWC Alumni Association. The general meeting of the ASDP Alumni Chapter is held annually in conjunction with the ASDP National Conference. The elected Chapter leadership includes a President and Vice-President/President Elect (2-year terms), Secretary and Treasurer (5-year terms), and three Members-at-Large (3-year terms). The President, upon conclusion of their two-year term, serves as Past-President (ex-officio, non-voting) for an additional year to ease the transition process.

With volunteer assistance, the ASDP Alumni Chapter maintains several social media sites, including Facebook and LinkedIn, that features news about ASDP alumni and programs, and other content relevant to expanding and enhancing undergraduate Asian studies.

Current Officers 

Chapter President

Dr. Matthew Ruane

(ASDP Infusing Institute 2010, 2012, 2019; 2010 ASDP NEH Landmarks WS: Legacies of War; ASDP National Conference 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)

Director of Accreditation and Assessment

Culinary Institute of America

Hyde Park, NY


Phone: 845-905-4613

Email: president@asdp-alumni.org or matthew.ruane@culinary.edu

Chapter Officers

Dr. Matthew Ruane, Culinary Institute of America, President, 2022-2024

Email: president@asdp-alumni.org

Dr. Eric Spears, Columbus State University, Vice President/President-Elect, 2022-2024

Email: vicepresident@asdp-alumni.org 

Professor Barbara Lass, City College of San Francisco, Secretary, 2020-2025

Dr. Roslyn Fraser, Texas A&M University, Treasurer, 2022-2027

E-mail: treasurer@asdp-alumni.org 

Professor Deborah Williams, Johnson County Community College, Member-at-Large, 2020-2023

Dr. Jinhua Li, University of North Carolina-Asheville, Member-at-Large, 2022-2025

Professor Kerrianne Gamache, Middlesex Community College, Member-at-Large, 2022-2025

Prof. Dennis Arjo, Johnson County Community College. Past President and Non-Voting Advisor 2022-2023

Dr. Taine Duncan, University of Central Arkansas, EWCA Executive Board and Non-Voting Advisor, 2021-2024

Dr. Peter Hershock, Asian Studies Development Program, Alumni Chapter Advisor, 2011 - Present